

We love to complain about matters, big and small. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has said –

‘When complaints start coming up, then worthiness starts reducing. The thought that you would like to enhance your worthiness itself makes you move in that direction. When a person starts thinking, ‘I am very worthy’, that is when you should realise that he has some problem’..

Ego is the greatest obstacle. Art of Living Founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar described this below –

‘If we start thinking that we are very deserving, then something in us starts becoming small. When we start thinking like this, it is almost as though we are asking for rewards for our efforts; the same as joining a labour union, asking for wages.’

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar describes a powerful secret

‘When we think that we do not deserve so much, then we behave like Masters, we don’t need to ask or get anything from anyone.’